Amazon Web Service

Step Function

Using visual workflows you can coordinate the distributed application and microservices components at AWS Step Functions. You can change applications quickly as your application is build from individual components that performs a task. Your application can coordinate components and step through the functions in a reliable way. You can see the application components as series of step through a graphical console. Each step is automatically triggered and tracked. Also, steps get retired when there are errors. As a result, the application is executed as per the expectation every time. If something goes wrong it's easy to diagnose and debug problems as there is log available for the state of each step.

For availability of application at any scale, operations and underlying infrastructure are managed by Step Function.

Any system which has access to AWS or your own server can run your task on AWS cloud. Through AWS SDKs, HTTP API, Step Function Console, step functions can be accessed and used.

Key features :

  • On the concept of tasks and state machines, step functions are based.
  • Using JSON based Amazon States Language state machine can be defined.

A graphical view of your state machine's structure is displayed at Step Functions Console through which state machine's logic and executions can be monitored visually.

Regions that supports Step Functions :

  • Asia Pacific (Sydney)
  • Asia Pacific (Tokyo)
  • EU (Frankfurt)
  • EU (Ireland)
  • EU (London)
  • US East (Ohio)
  • US East (N. Virginia)
  • US West (Oregon)

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