Amazon Web Service

Simple Queue Service

It is managed message queueing service. We can easily communicate between distributed software components and micro-services at any point. Application components can run and fail independently because we can decouple the software components. It is fault tolerant and easy to scale. With SQS we can exchange message between any number of the system at any volume without any can also protect our data. SQS allows you to exchange personal information and other confidential data i.e. financial services, e-commerce, healthcare details etc. SQS provides very generic web-services API that can be accessed by all programming language that supports Aws-SDK.


  • It is easy to decouple and scale micro-services, distributed systems and server was applications.
  • We can send, store and receive message between software components.
  • It is simple and cost-effective.
  • We can send the message at any volume with losing the messages.

Types of queues in AWS SQS:

  • Standard queue
  • FIFO queue



As from the above difference we can see the standard queueing can deliver at least one messages, in the same time a FIFO queuing service provide by amazon SQS assure exactly one message.
It means it provides highly concurrent and high availability of storing and producing messages.

Multi producers and consumers

Sometimes from one particular system more than on messages are concurrently sending and receiving. In case of amazon SQS, it blocks the messages during processing period by keeping the other part of our system from the processing.

Configurable queue

We can configure our queue separately as they don’t have to be same.
I.e. the queue which takes more processing time that can be optimized by the message.

Variable messages size

With the help of Amazon Dynamo DB (Amazon simple storage service), we can store a large number of messages.

Access Control

There are several types of amazing features are provided by amazon like access control. By the help of this features, we can manage who can send messages or receive messages from a queue.

Delay Queue

If we want some delay in our messaging service in the queue that also can possible by Amazon SQS. We can change our default delay for a particular queue and this will be done during the creation of that queue.

PCI Compliance

By the help of amazon SQS service we can store, process and transfer the credit card details to the merchant or service provider and it also validates PCI(payment card industry) with the help of DSS(Data security standard).


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