Amazon Web Service

Elatic Compute Cloud (EC2)

Amazon provides Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) web service under its compute as a service. Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is fully scalable compute as a service. You do not need to buy hardware on upfront. You can get EC2 whenever you want with different predefined sizes available. You can configure security groups (ports), networking and manage disk storage.

Features of EC2

  • Compute as service knows as Instances.
  • Pre-configured machines types.
  • Amazon provides AMIs that contains Pre-configured operating system and additional softwares.
  • Login using key pair.
  • Two types of volume are supported.
  • Instance backed store (deletes when machines gets terminated).
  • EBS backed (Persistent storage).
  • Firewall can be implemented using security group.
  • Static IP using Elastic IP.
  • You can specify tags when creating your instances known as metadata.
  • Virtual private cloud allows you isolate your resources from other AWS cloud services.

Instance Types

Amazon provide different kinds of instances to meet different requirement. Types of instances are:

  • General Purpose
  • Compute Optimized
  • Memory Optimized
  • Storage Optimized
  • Accelerated Computing

Purchasing Option

Amazon provides three types of purchasing options

On-Demand Instances

Launch EC2 instances when you need. On-demand instances charges on an hourly rate. Upfront payments are not required for on-demand instances.

Reserved Instances

You can reserve instances for a specific period of time. By reserving instances you can get discount which depends on the payment mode choosed by you (partial upfront, full upfront).

Spot Instances

You can bid for instances. Amazon provides spot instance to use Amazon resources effectively. It comes at lower price but does not guarantee that your machine will be available to you. If some other customers bid for more than you did, then your instances will be terminated and will be provide to the highest bidder.

Key Points

  • Inbound and outbound traffic is controlled by Security groups.
  • Never share your private key with others.
  • EC2 are specific to availability zones.
  • You can launch the same copy of your EC2 machine by using AMIs.
  • Virtual Private Cloud is used to isolate your resources with other AWS clouds.
  • You can attach other drives also if you want.

Must Read Article

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How To Launch EC2 Machine

In this article we are going to learn how to launch a EC2 instance. For this you need to have AWS account.

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How to install WordPress on VM instance in Azure

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How to launch a VM instances in Google Cloud

In this tutorial we are going to launch a Compute Egine instance.

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How to install WordPress on VM instance in Google Cloud

Before you start installing WordPress on VM instance on Google Cloud. You must log in into the machine. You can launch a VM Instance on Google Cloud using this tutorial. After launch of machine log in into the machine using SSH. If you do not know how to SSH in VM instance you can follow this tutorial.