Amazon Web Service

Amazon Glacier

If you want to store massive amount of data at lower price then Amazon Glacier should be your choice. If your data is not accessed frequently then you can store your data in Glacier as it provides the same durability as S3. You can keep backup copy and archive your data into Glacier at very low cost. You can store your data for months or years. You do not need to worry about the storage provisioning, hardware failure, and recovery.

So when to use Glacier or S3? It depends on you use case. If you need low-cost storage and data retrieval latency of several hours is accepted then you can choose Glacier. If your data retrieval is frequently then you must no choose Glacier.

Amazon provides a console for creation and deletion of vaults. However, if you need to upload the data into the Glacier you must use CLI or REST API to do that.

Here is the price comparison between S3 and Glacier for Mumbai region.

  • For First 50 TB/ Month S3 price is 0.025 $ per GB.
  • For First 50 TB/ Month Glacier price is 0.005 $ per GB.

Glacier is 5 times cheaper than S3.

As I already mentioned erlier that your use case will decide, which service is suitable for you.

You can move data from S3 to Glacier. S3 supports life cycle management which allow you move data from S3 to Glacier. You can also configure life cycle management cycle in S3 that will automatically transmit your data to Glacier.


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