Amazon Web Service

Amazon DynamoDB

If you need NoSQL database with fully managed service at low cost then DynamoDB is the service what you are looking for. DynamoDB is NoSQL fully managed database service provided by AWS. It provides predictable performance and seamless scalability. DynamoDB provides a fully managed service so, you do not need to worry about the managing database, scaling, provisioning hardware, replication, setup, and configuration. DynamoDB manages administrative task for you.

DynamoDB allows you to create tables and you can store massive amount of data. DynamoDB lets you to serve massive traffic that allows you to read massive amount of data at any instance of time. Scalability without any downtime or performance degradation is the main highlight of DynamoDB. Tables throughput can be scaled up and scale down at any instance of time.

Expired data will be automatically deleted from your tables. This feature helps to reduce storage cost. DynamoDB handles massive traffic by spreading all request to a different servers across multiple availability zones in numerous regions. It uses SSDs to store your data which gives the consistent and fast performance.

How you are going to access DB instance. Amazon provides three ways of providing access to the DB instances.

Amazon DynamoDB Console

DynamoDB console is the easiest way of accessing the database. Amazon DynamoDB provides a simpler way of simple web interface. You do not need to be a programmer, using DynamoDB console you can create, update and delete tables. Yo can do almost all operations and monitoring of database.

Command Line Interface

CLI command is one of the best ways to access AWS services. You will get almost all features as APIs. You can access your database with CLI commands and you will get almost all functionality of Amazon DynamoDB API.

Programmatic Interface

Programmatic Interface is one of the best way of accessing AWS services for developers. You will get all functionality of the AWS services. Amazon DynamoDB can also be accessed through APIs. AWS SDK supports most of the common programming languages.


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