Amazon Web Service

EC2 Container Service

Amazon provides EC2 container service under compute as Service. It is a managed service that can scale and manage Docker container on behalf of you. Docker container is built upon a cluster of ECS. ECS is available as regional service. It is highly available because it runs on container in multiple availability zones.

API's call can be used to start, stop and manage your Docker Container. EC2 container service gives you similar features like EC2. Amazon ECS takes care of auto scaling and management of your infrastructure. You do not need to worry about your infrastructure management and auto scaling.

One of the best use cases of using ECS is an application developed on a microservice model that can be deployed on the ECS container. ECS can be used to manage & scale batch and Extract-Transform-Load (ETL) workloads.


  • It is a regional service.
  • It is highly available because it creates a container on multiple availability zones.
  • It allows you create ECS cluster in an existing VPC or you can create a new VPC.
  • Docker container image can be specified using task definition and service that allows you to run image across your cluster.

Containers and Images

If you want to deploy an application in Docker Container then application architecture should built to run on containers. Docker container is a combination of code, runtime, system tools, system libraries, etc. Image is used to create a Docker container.

Dockerfile is used to create Images. Components that are included in a container is specified in Dockerfile. Dockerfile is a plain text file.


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