Amazon Web Service


To provide a fully managed build service on the cloud is the key feature of CodeBuild. It provides ready to deploy artifacts by compiling the source code and running unit tests. In your self-build server, CodeBuild removes the need to scale, manage and provisions. For the most popular programming languages, it provides most pre-built environments. It also provides built tools such as Gradle, Apache maven. To use your own self-built tools you can customise built environment at CodeBuild. To meet peak built request CodeBuild scales automatically.

Advantages of CodeBuild :


You don't need to setup and manage own build servers.


CodeBuild scales on demand to meet the need of the user. You only need to pay for the built minutes you take.


For most popular programming languages a built environment is provided which is pre-configured by CodeBuild. To start your first built all you need is to point to your built script.


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