Google Cloud Platform

IoT Core

Google came up a completely new technology called Google cloud IoT core. This new technology called 'Internet of things' provides a vast amount of data to the companies for processing. Google has announced this service on private beta within IoT platform. On this platform a customer can connect their device securely with Google Cloud Platform where other services by GCP are integrated. Customer can also use this data for better business results. This service allows customer to upload a vast amount of data easily to GCP from the connected devices.

This service mainly consists of two parts :

Device Manager

This helps a customer to allow devices to manage and configure securely. This also identity of a devices and authenticate them while connecting. This data can be used remotely by the help of cloud storage.

Protocol Bridge

Protocol Bridge gives an end to end connection with automatic load balancers to all connected devices. This bridge ingests all the data irrespective of devices and deliver the data to Google cloud pub/sub service for data processing. Once the data is processed, protocol bridge sends the data back to the connected device with the help of device manager. It is supported by a standard protocol called 'MQTT', we can use this protocol for existing device with minimal firmware changes for better secure connection.

IoT Core is integrated with services like Google cloud dataflow, Google bigquery, and Google ML engine etc. This service is now available for private beta so, you will not be charged for IoT Core but you will be charged for integrated services like data flow, bigquery, ML, storage, pub/sub, and other analysis. Google has partnered with Intel, microchip, Sierra wireless and NXP for creations of hardware, software, and other innovative tools that can used in IoT Core.

Three types of files are used by this deployment manager:

  • A configuration file, written in YAML.
  • Template file, written in python or Ninja2.
  • Schema files which define rules for the templet.


  • By certificate-based authentication, it gives us an end to end security of data.
  • Cloud pub/sub, cloud data flow, cloud storage, cloud spanner, cloud ML engine are some integrated services that can integrate with IoT Core.
  • Fully managed infrastructure is also provided by this IoT Core platform.
  • By the help of IoT Core, we can do real-time changes in the device which helps in business optimization.
  • It gets out of box support for hardware services from 'Intel' and 'microchip'.

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