Amazon Web Service

Device Farm

Device farm is a service in which your app can be tested on different platforms like Android, iOS etc. on real phones which are hosted by AWS.

There are two ways to use device farm

Testing frameworks are available for automatic testing of apps.
In real time you can run, load and interact with the app using remote access of device.

Terminologies :

Following term are given by Device Farm to define the way in which Information is organized ;


Run container defined by a logical workspace. When app is tested, one run is given against single app test at one or more devices. You can organise workspace the way you want. Example - There can be a project for every title in the app or per platform there can be one project. You can create the project as per your need.


You can run a specific set of tests at specific devices for a specific number of times. A report is produced which contains the results of the run.


Information about run is stored at the report which requests Device Farm to test app on one or more devices.


Test one app for one device is requested to Device Farm. One or multiple suits are contained by Job.


It is used for billing purpose on basis of service used. You may encounter metered and unmetered devices.


The organization of test in test package with a hierarchy. It contains one or more tests.


One test in a test package.


A session of interaction with a single device in the console.


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