Amazon Web Service


Cognito enables you to add a sign-in page and sign-up form easily and different permissions are managed through Cognito for your mobile app and web app. Your own user directory can be easily created through Cognito. Through social networks like Facebook, Twitter and also through SAML identify solutions you can authenticate a user. Your own identity system can also be used. Data can be stored locally on user's device which allows apps to work, when the device is offline. Data of different devices can synchronize such that app experience remains great irrespective of what device a user use

A great app experience can be given through the use of Cognito as you don't need to worry about building, security, and scaling of the app. Also, an authentication process, synchronization, and management is done automatically.


Use of pools at Cognito

Cognito user pool gives you an advantage to easily add up sign-in and sign-up page by creating and maintaining a user directory in your mobile and web app. You can also sign-in through a different social network like facebook, Google+ into the user pool of a mobile app and web app. As a developer, you get a small low-cost option to maintain pools of millions of user securely. Security features like phone number and email verification can also be added. Through AWS Lambda workflow can be customised. This helps in authenticating user and fraud detection.

Cognito Federated Identities

By the use of federated identity provider, you can create unique identities for a user and authenticate them. A temporary, limited use AWS credentials can be obtained such that you can synchronize data with Cognito sync. These credentials can be used to securely access AWS services which include S3, DynamoDB etc. It also supports unauthenticated identities, Facebook, Google, OpenID connect providers, SAML identity providers. Developer authentication identities are also supported. You can register and authenticate a user via own backend authentication system.

Sync. feature at Cognito

The app related user data can be synchronized among various devices and supports offline access. Without requiring own backend you can synchronize user data across the mobile app and web app. Data libraries are cached locally so the app can write and read data without any connectivity. You synchronize the data when a device becomes online. Notification for an update is available if you set up a push synchronization.


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