Amazon Web Service


You can start AWS resources by using Console, CLI, AWS SDKs and CloudFormation. Suppose,if you want to create an infrastructure by using AWS console, CLI and AWS SDKs the it may take more than 20 minutes because you need to start each resource individually. Considering if the infrastructure includes multiple EC2 machines, load balancer, and RDS instance. Once you start them, you need to configure each resource to work with each other. Later you need to replicate the infrastructure for another environment. all this process makes the work complex and time-consuming.

You can start same infrastructure within minutes. CloudFormation lets you create a stack within minutes. You need to write CloudFormation template only once and you can run the same template on a loop as per your requirement. Amazon provides sample CloudFormation stacks which you can edit according to your need. A template contains all resource definitions and their properties. All your resources will be up and runs after CloudFormation stack is created. If a problem occures during stack creation, it will automatically rollback. If you delete your stack, all your resources will be deleted which were created earlier by that stack.

Once your AWS resources are provisioned there may be need to upgrade your resources. You can upgrade your CloudFormation template whenever you want . You can add more machines, change machine types, modify auto scaling configuration etc.

How Does AWS CloudFormation Work?

You can create a template using CloudFormation Designer by editing sample CloudFormation template or you can write from scratch. The cloudFormation template supports two format called JSON and YAML.

You can store this template in S3 bucket or store them locally.


When creating a stack you can upload a file from S3 or from your local computer.

After creating a stack you can update a stack and you can delete a stack.


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