Azure Cloud Platform

Virtual Machine

It is on-demand, scalable computing resources which are offered by Azure. When more control over computing environment is needed, the virtual machine is chosen.

You get the flexibility of virtualization with Azure Virtual Machine without any need to purchase physical hardware. However, VM still needs maintenance which is entertained by performing tasks like a patch, configure and install the software which runs on VM.

Use of Azure Virtual Machine:

Test and development:

You can easily create a computer using Azure Virtual Machine with specific specification required to code and do testing of applications.

Application on cloud:

As there can be fluctuations in demand of your application, it's a good idea to run your application on cloud. You need to pay more for extra VM and shut down as per your wish.

Extra Datacenter:

You can easily connect your organization's network to Virtual Machines which exists in the virtual network of Azure.

Things to do before creating a Virtual Network:

  • Decide the name of your VM
  • Decide the location for resource storage.
  • Decide VM size.
  • Decide the number of VM can be created.
  • Decide the operating system for VM.
  • Decide the configuration of VM.
  • Decide the sources needed by VM.


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