Google Cloud Platform

Cloud Shell

Cloud shell is a service provided by Google Cloud. Cloud Shell is a handy tool used by developers use to edit their code. This code editor is based on Eclipse Orion and it is also a part of google cloud console. This is command line interface to manage services provided by google. We can use this cloud shell from anywhere in the world,all we need is a internet connection and web browser. This console contains all the prerequisite essentials things which are pre-installed. Google provides 5GB of free persistent storage for files and projects.

A new window will open in the same page, at the bottom of the page you will find display of a command line interface prompt. Initialization takes few seconds.


  • We can access it from anywhere in the world.
  • It is fully secure and authenticates by default.
  • All the favorite tools like java, node js, python, Ruby, PHP etc. are already installed we just have to run and use them.
  • We can access it from the web browser.

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