Google Cloud Platform

Compute Engine

Google provides Compute Engine web service as a part of Compute as a Service. You can start a VM without any upfront payment. Google compute engine is highly scalable and can give a predictable performance. Google provides public images for Linux and Windows server that can be used to create instances. You can also import private images or you can create a private and run on VMs. Google provides the flexibility of building and running images of other OS.

One big difference between Google Compute Engine and Amazon EC2 is machine configuration. In Amazon, you have only pre-configured machine types but Google lets you configure your instance. Google provides custom machines types that you can configure. You can customize a number of virtual CPUs and memory.

Instances and projects

In Google Cloud Platform we create projects and all the resources will be launched belongs within a project. While launching an instance we specify machine type, OS, storage size, and one of the instance.

Instances and Storage Options

You can decide the size of the storage while launching. You can also add more storage if you need.

Instances and Network

While launching an instance we need to specify the VPC. A VPC (Virtual Private Network) is a network that allows users to isolate its resources from other Google Cloud Services. An instance can communicate using local area network protocol within a VPC and uses internet protocol to communicate outside the VPC.

Tools to manage instances

We can use a variety of tools to create and manage instances. Google Cloud Platform, cloud and REST API.

Purchasing Option

Google provides three types of purchasing options

On-Demand Instances

Launch Compute Engine instances when you need. On-demand instances charges on a first 10 Minutes after per minute rate. upfront payments are not required for on-demand instances.

Reserved Instances

You can reserve instances for a specific period of time. By reserving instances you can discount depend on the payment mode you choose. (partial upfront, full upfront).

Preemptibility Instances

Preemptibility instance cost less as compared to other pricing models, but it can last up to only 24 hours.

Features of Compute Engine:

  • Compute as service knows as Compute Engine.
  • Preconfigured and customizable machines types.
  • Public and private images.
  • Static IP know as External IP Address.
  • Firewall rule that allows inbound and outbound network.
  • VPC that isolated your resources from other resources.


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