Google Cloud Platform

Cloud Container Registry

In this article you are going to learn basics of container registry. What is the container? The container is an isolated environment created by an OS to run application. If we take a snapshot of this container file systems, we will have a container image. This image is basically a bunch of static file on disk. Once we get this image we can spin up multiple instances based on this image. The instances are identical to the original image. This container image helps us to scale out our application quickly. We can also ship our image from one system to another. We can do this by using registry service. What is registry service? It is basically a repository. It will help us to store our container image. We can upload our image to the registry to store a copy of the image, this process is called PUSH. On another system, we can download the image and create a copy on another system, this process is called PULL. In that another system we can run the image with the help of the container. In the second system, the apps will run like the original host.

The container is a very powerful way to help us to ship our applications from one place to another and registry acts as the intermediary for sharing images between systems.Google container registry is a private Docker registry running on google cloud storage. It uses the same credentials as of the google docker registry. The image stored in container registry can be accessed by google compute engine or from the machine we own.


  • We can pull container image from container registry using command line interface.
  • We can store image faster, close to our regional repositories like in Europe, Asia or US.
  • We can easily tag and untag image with simple clicks.
  • We can search images quickly with the help of tags.
  • This PULL and PUSH images are done under the secure connection. this process runs automatically.
  • We have to pay only for internet and storage that we use. No per image cost will be included.

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