Amazon Web Service

AWS Rekognition

Rekognition is a service which deals with image analysis to your application. Surrounding elements on the image can be detected with Rekognition like objects, scenes, and faces in images. Searching and comparing faces can also be done.Developers can quickly add complex deep learning based visual searching and classification of the image to there application. Apart from image analysis, Rekognition can integrate easily with Amazon S3, AWS Lambda, and other AWS services.

Use cases for using Rekognition :

Library for searchable image

You can identify different objects and scenes on the image such that images are made searchable. When you create an AWS Lambda function that updates newly detected image automatically and labels directly into an Amazon Elasticsearch Service search index in Amazon S3 when new image is uploaded.

Verification on basis of face

Rekognition gives user a feature that compares there live image with the image which is already stored in their database.

Emotion and gender analysis

Emotions can be easily detected using Rekognition like happy, sad and information like recognizing gender from images of the face. Rekognition can identify emotion and gender of the live image and send it to Amazon Redshift for adding details on trends such as in live locations.

Facial recognition

By using IndexFaces API operation you can search for similar images as your face stored at the database. Search faces operation helps you to find most similar matches to your image. A face collection is your image database to which you can add or delete images. Pointing out people on basis of there images requires two important steps at Rekognition that is,

  • Index the faces.
  • Search the faces.

Moderating images

The detection of adult can be done. Based on business needs develops can return metadata to get the content which is not required.API also returns list of labels with which image with adult content get attention. Specific categories of content are indicated by these labels, thus giving permission for extreme filtering and management user-generated data. Socials sites are best examples of image moderation as they have specific policy to filter adult contents.

Recognising Celebrity

Within supplied images, Rekognition can recognize celebrities. Celebs can be recognized across numerous categories such as entertainment, sports, business etc.

Advantages of Amazon Recognition

Integrates quality techniques for image recognition into your apps

With the use of simple API Recognition removes the complexity makes powerful and accurate image analysis. Computer vision or deep learning is not required here. With the help Recognition's API, image analysis can easily and quickly build into any web, mobile application.

Image analysis based on deep learning

Images are accurately analyzed by deep learning technology. Finding and comparing images along with the objects within the image.

Image analysis bases on scalable image

To organize the massive amount of data Recognition enables you to analyze millions of image.

Integration with AWS products

It is designed in such a way that AWS services like Amazon S3 and AWS Lambda work effortlessly with Recognition.

Low cost

You only pay for analyzed image and meta data count. No minimum fee or upfront commitment. You start for free and save more with the type of pricing Rekognition gives.


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