Alibaba Cloud Platform

China based company entered cloud market in the year 2009. First data center was opened in January 2010. It was May 2010 when Alibaba started its first cloud service called ECS. Since launch of its first cloud service and opening first data center, now it has 12 regions and numerous cloud service offerings. Alibaba has E-commerce eco system which is supported by Alibaba cloud. It offers Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (Paas) and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Alibaba entered the international cloud market to compete with AWS. Alibaba is benefited from China's growing market which makes it the biggest cloud service in the country.

Alibaba Cloud has 14 data center across the globe and you can deploy your application in any of the data centers which will minimize the latency time.
Alibaba cloud provides guaranteed data security. It also complies with high-level international certification compliance.
Alibaba is the official partner for providing cloud services and e-commerce platform for Olympics Channel.

Alibaba has proven records for data storing technology,anti-DDoS protection, and processing of transactions per second.

Some of the services from Alibaba in the different category are listed below:

Elastic Computing

Elastic computing service provided as computing as a service. This includes ECS(Elastic Compute Service), Container Services, Autoscaling etc.


Database as a service includes most common database SQL and NoSQL available in the market. Alibaba provides ApsaraDB for RDS (SQL) database and ApsaraDB for MongoDB for NoSQL databases. Alibaba provides other database service too.

Storage & CDN

Alibaba has 14 data centers across the globe. You can store unlimited data on Alibaba cloud. It has 530 nodes across the globe for its content delivery network. You can get low latency by deploying your content on Alibaba content delivery network.


Alibaba provides protection from DDoS attacks and provides a firewall for your web application. It also provides other security features such as mobile security and server guard.


Alibaba provides virtual private cloud such that users can build stable and safe networking for its application. By creating private network, user can also isolate its resources from other cloud services.

Application Service

Building your application becomes easier with component and management tool provided by Alibaba. Some of them are message service, direct mail etc.

Domains & Website

Managing your domain and website becomes easy with Alibaba cloud service as it provides web hosting, domains etc.


You can perform business analytics, machine learning, batch processing, stream processing and data warehousing on Alibaba cloud. Alibaba provides E-MapReduce, MaxCompute and Data IDE.

Alibaba Tech Share Plan

You can earn money by sharing your cloud tech knowledge. Alibaba has an innovative idea of tech share plan. You can publish an article on Alibaba tech community and get paid by Alibaba. Alibaba also has referral bonus for every user sign up using your referral code.

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