Amazon Web Service

Simple Storage Service

Simple Storage Service(S3) is a storage as service which was the first service launched by Amazon. It is designed for high availability and scalability. User can store unlimited amount of data and retrieve data at any instance of time. Amazon uses S3 for its global network of websites. S3 uses simple key, value store which allows the user to store many objects as per user needs.

You need to create a bucket before storing any object in S3. You can create as many buckets you want but there is soft limit of 100 buckets per account. If you want more than 100 buckets you need to contact amazon.

An object contains the following information:

  • Key - Object name is the key of the object. You can use key to retrieve objects.
  • Version ID - An object within a bucket is identified by key and Version ID. When you add an object into the bucket, S3 automatically assigns a Version ID.
  • Value - Actual content of the object.
  • Metadata - It contains information about the object.
  • Subresources - To store specific information about object, S3 uses subresource mechanism.
  • Access Control Information - S3 allow users to have control access over their object.

S3 protects data of the user by encryption. You can use both client-side and server-side encryption. S3 uses AES-256 encryption method to encrypt data of user.

S3 has bucket naming convention. Your bucket name must be unique from all other bucket name which already exsists in S3. It uses DNS naming convention for a uniqueness in name for bucket.

S3 supports Bucket ACLs, Object ACLs and bucket policy for granting access to buckets and objects.

S3 uses to eventual consistency model to read objects from S3. It is default read model but you can use strong consistency model too. Read consistency model return an error eventually for new objects. To avoid error you can use strong consistency model which returns all object with 100% accuracy. You can access S3 from console, CLI commands and through ASW SDK.

S3 supports 99.999999999 % durability and 99.99% availability of objects over a given year. S3 is designed to tolerate a concurrent loss in two facilities.

One of the best features of S3 is static website hosting. You can host your static website on S3. It is easy to host a static website on S3.


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