Amazon Web Service

Amazon RDS

Amazon provides Database as a Service which includes different types databases. One of the web services is known as RDS. RDS is relational database service which highly scalable and easy to setup. It is a managed service and it reduces the burden of the database administrator. Why you want a managed database service? HEre is list some of the benefits of RDS :

You will get a number of options for CPU, Memory, storage, and IOPS. You can scale them independently anytime.

Managing backups and patching is a pain for DBA. RDS will do this for you. RDS can also handle failure detection.

In order to provide managed service experience, you will not get shell access to DB instances and it also restricts access to some procedures and advance tables.

RDS will automatically take backups of the database and you can take manual backups snapshots. Restoring database using these snapshots is reliable and efficient.

RDS provides a secondary synchronous instance that you can use in failover. Read replica is another way for getting high availability. You can use read replica for MySQL, MariaDB, and PostgreSQL. Read replica will save you some bucks but, you need to configure in a way that it can be used during failover.

RDS is compatible with most of SQL database. You can use RDS with MySQL MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, and MySQL-compatible Amazon Aurora DB engine.

For better security of your database, you can use IAM policy to define who can have access to database. You can also place your database in private subnet of your VPC.

How you are going to access DB instance? Amazon provides three ways to access the DB instances.

Amazon RDS Console

RDS console is one of the easiest way of accessing the database. Amazon RDS provides a simpler way of the simple web interface. You do not need to be a regular developer, using RDS console you can do every task you need to perform according to your need.

Command Line Interface

CLI command is one of the best ways to access AWS services. You will get almost all features as APIs. You can access your database with CLI commands and you will get almost all functionality of Amazon RDS API.

Programmatic Interface

One of the best way of accessing AWS services for developers. You will get all functionality of the AWS services. Amazon RDS can also be accessed through API's. AWS SDK supports most of the common programming languages.


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